Train in the Sheriff's Academy
Since 1978, the Chautauqua County Sheriff’s Academy has offered a unique program in partnership with JCC for those interested in careers as police officers. The training program provides successful graduates with up to 45 college credits and a certificate of completion from the New York State Certified Basic Police Training Course, which is a legal requirement for municipal police officers in New York State.
Most police agencies in New York state or any state honoring New York State Certified Basic Training Courses may hire a graduate of the Sheriff’s Academy and be able to put their new employee to work immediately with little additional local training.
The program is operated in a two-semester system. Upon completion of 45 college credits, a student is eligible to earn a certificate in law enforcement technology from JCC. All credits earned in the certificate can be applied toward the A.A.S. Individual Studies degree.
Recruit spotlight: Aaron Pacos
The Chautauqua County Sheriff’s Academy at JCC has awarded recruit Aaron Pacos with the Dan Feather Memorial Scholarship. Pacos is a 2019 graduate of Fredonia High School and 2022 graduate of SUNY Fredonia with a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice and a minor in Political Science. Pacos was accepted into the Sheriff's Academy in June.